Veterinary Medicine Directory

Featured Listings

Dog Arthritis Blog
Based on a 2002 study done by the American Veterinary Medical Association, about forty percent of dogs in the US are overweight or obese. This equates to no less than fifteen million dogs!
Keywords: animals , dog , dog arthritis , pets

Veterinary Pharmacy Online - Vet4ever Co. Ltd. - Egypt
First Veterinary pharmacy Online in Egypt
Keywords: animal health , drug store , medicine & , pet medication , veterinary drugs

Fachtier�Rzte F�R Pferde Dres. Med. Vet. Will & Gschwind
Fachtier�rzte Dres. med. vet. Klaus Will & Michael Gschwind, die Tierarzt Praxis, 365 Tage, 24 Stunden im Notfall, Pferde, Kleinpferde, Ponys. Ihre fachtier�rztliche Praxis f�r Pferde und Praxis f�r Kleintiere aus Neubeuern
Keywords: 24 , fachtierarzt , fachtierärzte , notdienst , pferd , pferde , stunden , tierarzt

Site Listings

Dog Arthritis Blog
Based on a 2002 study done by the American Veterinary Medical Association, about forty percent of dogs in the US are overweight or obese. This equates to no less than ...
Keywords: animals , dog , dog arthritis , pets

Veterinary Pharmacy Online - Vet4ever Co. Ltd. - Egypt
First Veterinary pharmacy Online in Egypt
Keywords: animal health , drug store , medicine & , pet medication , veterinary drugs

Fachtier�Rzte F�R Pferde Dres. Med. Vet. Will & Gschwind
Fachtier�rzte Dres. med. vet. Klaus Will & Michael Gschwind, die Tierarzt Praxis, 365 Tage, 24 Stunden im Notfall, Pferde, Kleinpferde, Ponys. Ihre fachtier�rztliche ...
Keywords: 24 , fachtierarzt , fachtierärzte , notdienst , pferd , pferde , stunden , tierarzt

Animal Science Database
access to over 1.8 million research records and more than 26,000 PDFs, together with reviews, news, links and events calendar, animal science datbase represents the most ...

David Levine's Homepage
Links and general information concerning rehabilitation and physical therapy for animals.

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